reduce stress on the job

How Can You Reduce Stress On The Job

How Can You Reduce Stress On The Job

If you’re proactive about managing your work-related stress, you’ll feel less wound up and enjoy more success at your job and joy at home.

Try these strategies to reduce stress:

  • Review all the reasons you do the work you do.
  • List the benefits you get from your job.
  • Remind yourself, “it is just work,” unless you have a lifesaving job.
  • Get to work a few minutes early to give yourself time to settle in.
  • Learn to recognize the things you can control at the office.
  • Work through “resolvable” issues immediately. 
  • When you feel overwhelmed, ask for assistance or guidance. 
  • Establish your work priorities and methodically work to complete your projects.
  • Avoid drama at work.
  • When you begin to feel stressed, stop to take some deep, slow breaths.
  • Think before you speak.
  • Use visual imagery techniques to let go of minor annoyances and frustrations. 
  • Plan your day for tomorrow before you leave today.
  • Tidy your desk before you leave.
  • Take a brisk 15-minute walk when you get home.
  • Soothe yourself after you arrive home.
  • Journal your feelings about work.
  • Practice pilates, yoga, or meditation to de-stress.
  • Enjoy your time off so you can return to work refreshed and ready.

For more information about reducing your stress, contact us by email.

Visit our website to see the online programs, e-books, and articles or to schedule a call.

Take care,



Overcoming the Darkness in Your Life Replacing it With Joy

Overcoming the Darkness in Your Life and Replacing it With Joy

Overcoming the Darkness in Your Life and Replacing it With Joy

Sometimes, something terrible creates the most profound darkness you’ve ever experienced. It takes a toll on you, and you feel like you’ll never overcome it. But there’s also the belief that the only way to experience true joy is first to experience darkness.

These emotions and experiences from opposite ends of the spectrum work hand in hand to give you a genuine appreciation of the positive side of life. But how does one overcome the darkness and replace it with joy when it seems unrelenting?

The key is to identify other things that bring you joy and peace and infiltrate your dark space with these things.

Strategies like these can help you conquer overcoming the darkness in your life:

  • Consume yourself with a new activity. There are likely many activities you’ve never tried but could bring you immense pleasure!

Sometimes doing something new is what you need to take your mind off the negative state you’re living in and find joy in something unexpected. 

  • Try your hand at a new hobby that’s time-consuming and enjoyable.
  • Live on the edge – or as close to it as possible – by doing something exhilarating. Learn how to snowboard, start skydiving or bungee jumping, great examples. So is going on a safari in the jungles of South Africa! However, having said that, make sure you stay safe!
  • Enjoy the company of others. Spending time with family and friends is another great way to rehabilitate your state of mind and truly experience joy. Remember, they love you unconditionally and can offer as much support as you need. Hang out with them more than usual; you’ll start to experience healing from all that positive energy around you.
  • Take a family vacation to somewhere you’ve never been before.
  • Plan a weekend where you and your friends can make wonderful new memories.

Think with your mind, not your emotions. Make a conscious effort to separate thinking and reasoning from feeling. Otherwise, you’ll likely start believing nothing can ever work out.

Apply reasoning to the circumstances which led to your darkness, and use the same logic to get you to a brighter place.

Hold firm to your faith. Your faith likely is what has brought you through with light in the darkness thus far. 

You’ll feel lifted from the darkness if you allow yourself to practice things that bring you joy. It’s not always going to be an easy road, but you’ll be able to travel it if you commit to allowing outside influences to help turn things around for you. Use these ideas to help you start thinking about the various things you might enjoy. After all, there’s a world of joy waiting for you to experience! 

It’s up to you to choose that joy for your life!


For more information about reducing your stress, contact us by email.

Visit our website to see the online programse-books, and articles or to schedule a call.

Take care,


Find Peace and Relaxation

Top 9 Ways to Find Peace & Relaxation at Home

How to Find Peace and Relaxation at home

Find Peace and Relaxation at home. Destressing, re-energizing, and finding peace at home, far away from the fast and hectic world, requires some work.

In an ideal world, your home would be, without a doubt, a peaceful place or a sanctuary. Unfortunately, it only sometimes works like that.

We understand that life can be challenging or stressful, and the hectic outside world knocks on your door.

So how do you keep your home free from all the hectic?

There are easy ways to keep the hectic outside your door, and it requires just a little bit of effort.

9 Easy Ways to keep the hectic outside and find peace and relaxation on the other side at home:
1. Music Maestro
Listen to any music that relaxes you. You may start to dance or sing too. All is fine as long as it helps you to let go of the daily stress and makes you enjoy your moment at home.

2. Clean Up And Organize
An organized home is an organized mind. If you see stuff everywhere around your home, your mind sees and notices all the time the clutter and chaos.

It gets a non-stop impulse to organize, sort, or clean up. A cluttered mind often comes from an environment full of stuff. Organize your home step by step, room by room, and find peace.

3. Find A Hobby

Distract your mind with a hobby when you get bored at home. Binge-watching occasionally is fine, but if you have something that keeps you
positively busy, it’s easier to feel re-energized and fulfilled.

4. Work Stays At Work

How can you ever find peace if your house is an office? Your work remains at work, mentally and physically. Of course, exceptions are allowed; if you work from home, keep your workspace separate.

Also, work in a different room where you sleep; otherwise, your bedroom will become associated with a workspace.

5. Decompress Is Essential

Give yourself 15′ to relax once you get home. You can unwind when you leave the office towards home and when you do home office, take 15 minutes to chill. Your chores and responsibilities can wait 15 minutes.

Give your mind a break to separate work from home.
What can work to decompress is listening to your favorite music, reading a book, have a shower. This 15′ break will help to refresh your mind and rejuvenate you!

6. Be Considerate And Use Positive Reinforcement
Your family or loved ones also have their daily stress and be mindful of their stress levels. Don’t take your loved ones for granted, be grateful for their presence and what they do for themselves and you.

Appreciate and acknowledge them and their efforts by showing them your appreciation and care. This is an excellent contribution to peace.

7. Pick And Choose Your Battles
What is worth a discussion or to stir and heat a conversation? You can pick and choose your battles. It’s very tiring to criticize and fight over small insignificant things. Go for something worth the energy, the heated conversation, and what contributes to something better.

8. Let It Go
Let it go if something is small and insignificant, not something significant. Focus on your inner peace, and keep your energy for when it impacts your life for the better. It can make your joy, peace, and life easier in the long run.

9. Cool Off
When there’s a conflict at home, give yourself some time to cool off. Go to another room or for a walk around the block. This cool-off period will help you to calm down. Plus, you can calmly talk about your feelings and find ways to solve the conflict or find a resolution.

Maybe during your time off, you or your loved one realize that the issue wasn’t as big of a deal as you first thought.

Maintaining peace in your home is vital to the health and well-being of every family member.

Use these tips to nurture a peaceful environment so your home is a joy to come
home to!

Take care,


ENHANCE your life



When we decide to make a better life for ourselves, we often tend to focus on massive changes, but this is optional. Significant changes are too intimidating for most of us to even take the first step.

However, small changes are easy to integrate into our regular routines. Luckily, accumulating these small changes over several months can completely transform your life!

The secret is to get started as soon as possible. Let’s enhance it.

Try these small changes that lead to significant results:

  1. Decluttering daily your home or office. Decluttering is like pulling weeds. You can’t do it once and forget about it; it’s ongoing. Decluttering works best if done each day. Choose a room and set a timer for 15 minutes. See how much you can get accomplished before the timer runs out.
  2. Create a budget and follow it. Everyone knows they should have a budget, yet few create one. There are plenty of guides online about how to make a budget. Make a budget and stick with it. It should be a budget that works for you and is realistic.
  3. Eliminate the unhealthiest food you regularly eat from your diet. What do you often eat that you know you shouldn’t? Eliminate the worst offender from your life. Replace it with healthier food that you would enjoy.
  4. Eliminate one expense from your spending. What is one monthly payment that adds little to your life but slowly drains your bank account? It might be the monthly termite service that you’re not sure how you were roped into or the monthly bill for the alarm system you haven’t turned on in the last six months.
  5. Make a daily schedule. Creating a daily plan or to-do list is a great start. A short list of the 3 most important things to accomplish is sufficient to improve your life. Conscientiousness is the trait most associated with high levels of success. 
  6. Make a list of things you like about your partner. Keep a notebook and write down one thing you like about your partner each day. You’ll be surprised how much more you appreciate them after a month.
  7. List things you enjoy doing. Do you feel you spend too much time watching TV or scrolling through your social media? Are you bored regularly? Make a list of things you enjoy doing – from small activities to more elaborate ones. Do at least one of them each day. 
  8. Make a list of the things that annoy you regularly and begin fixing them. All the little annoyances in life can wear on your nerves. It’s the closet door that won’t shut all the way, the garbage can with a broken wheel, or the screen door with a hole that lets flies in the house. Start fixing those things.
  9. Make one goal. Just one little goal is enough to make a difference in your life. Choose something challenging but meaningful and work toward it each day for the next month or two. What do you want to accomplish?
  10. Meditate. Many people report that meditation was the most important thing they’ve ever done for themselves. Buy a book or watch a few videos online. Make a habit of meditating for 10-15 minutes each day. Try it for at least a month.

You can begin enhancing the quality of your life today. You might not notice a change by the end of the day, but you’ll see significant changes by the end of the month.

Make the most of each day, and you’ll quickly find your life moving positively. Now is the time to start.

Would you like to know more about “Decluttering”?

Download my e-book Declutter Your Mind & Gain Clarity with a 23% discount as we almost enter 2023!

Use promocode Clarity23

Take care,



stay positive

Be And Stay Positive and Reduce Stress

Be And Stay Positive and Reduce Stress 

People are constantly working to make real improvements in the world. New waves of communication and better technology have led to increased life spans and seemingly better lives. 

While there are many positives to modern life, the downside is that sometimes people try to cram too many things into one day. In this fast-paced world, stress may get the better, and you might have trouble looking on the bright side.

Scheduling Downtime

You may feel like you should always be doing something productive. However, taking care of yourself is ultimately the most effective thing you can do. When you’ve given yourself proper rest and permission to do whatever you want once in a while, you’ll be better able to focus significant efforts on the other things in your life that matter. 

People who schedule downtime for themselves have lower stress levels. Allow yourself a proper amount of time for rest. Get 6-8 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation to stay up doing something else with that time.

It would be best if you allowed yourself a portion of the day to do whatever you want. Even when time is short, let yourself enjoy a few minutes of total relaxation sometime during the day to rejuvenate.

Scheduling proper downtime also gives you time for reflection. When you reflect on your life, you can concentrate on the meaning of it all. You’ll be more likely to enjoy your journey truly. It’s easy to let life pass you by if you don’t take time to reflect.

Concentrating On Attitude

Thinking positively is something you can choose to do regardless of your circumstances in life. Everyone struggles with it from time to time, and you owe it to yourself to focus on having a positive attitude. 

A positive attitude is a foundation for a good life. Your outlook will allow you to enjoy all the craziness and equip you to deal with the stressful parts. When negative thinking creeps up, think about the things that are going right. You can also visualize how it’ll feel when things turn around for the better. 

Keeping Up

In a fast-paced life, you can take specific steps to slow your life down, but you can also work on being able to keep up!

Make a list of the areas where you’re having trouble balancing. Brainstorm actions that you can take to improve your ability to cope.

For example, if you struggle to complete your tasks at work, see what you can do to fix this challenge. You could do one of your projects more efficiently. You could rearrange your schedule to take care of the more stressful tasks first. So you can leave the least stressful tasks for the end of the day, so you can directly unwind once you finish those simple, easy, unstressful tasks. 

Dealing with Stress

Stress in your day-to-day life is nearly unavoidable. However, it’s how you deal with the stress that counts. It would help if you kept it from building up, or it could lead to more outstanding issues in the long run. 

Do what you can to relieve your stress healthily. Work on relaxation and breathing techniques. If you’re more socially inclined, venting to a close friend can help you deal with stress. As long as you’re doing something to relieve your stress, you’ll be able to jump back into your faced paced life with a positive attitude.

Just because our world is hectic, it doesn’t mean your life needs to be that way. Using these tips will make it much easier to remain positive and enjoy a stress-free life.

Take care,



How to Improve Your Quality of Life

How to Improve Your Quality of Life

Making your life better requires focus and planning
Looking at any psychological or medical research, you’ll find several ways to improve your life’s quality. Some of them won’t be any big surprise, but a couple might peak your interest. Read on for the best of the bunch.

Take care of your health
Eat right. Get regular dental care. Exercise. Move more. Use sunscreen. Limit or forego alcohol and sweets. Watch your weight.
The medical experts assure us that doing all of these things will improve your quality of life. Even doing just a few of them will benefit you enormously!

Drink tea
According to the health experts, tea has all kinds of antioxidants in it that promote good health. Decaffeinated is best because it’s less dehydrating. Hot or cold, drink tea every day to improve the quality of your life.

Embrace your passion
Find something you love to do or have a great interest in and dive into it. Make time to get involved in activities that bring you joy and pleasure. You’ll discover more meaning and purpose when you consciously engage in activities and interests you
Spend the bulk of your free time with people you like, doing activities you love. If you’re looking to turn up the quality of your existence, then find who you love and what thrills you. Include them in your life all you can.

Cultivate healthy social relationships
Experts in psychology tell us that we’ll have a happier, more fulfilling life if we establish and maintain deep and meaningful social relationships. Having friends you can call whenever you want brings comfort.

Think positive
When your thoughts are more positive in nature, your approach to life will also be more upbeat. Sure, there will be times when things don’t go as planned, but if you think positively, you’ll make it through whatever is put before you. Life will improve immeasurably when you have a positive attitude.

Live the life you truly want
You have a responsibility to yourself to ensure you live the kind of life you’ve always wanted. Set goals for what you want and make a plan to get there. Do something each day to move you forward toward accomplishing these goals. When you take steps to make it happen, your quality of life will drastically increase.

Manage finances responsibly
Because living under the constant stress of unpaid bills and financial hubbub can wear you down, decide to be responsible with your money. Your existence is easier when you have your finances under control.

Be grateful for what you have
Recognize the good things in your life. The roof over your head, a steady job, and time for golf or reading just might be the basic structure for the life of your dreams.

Embrace simplicity
Keeping life simple is a great way to give your life purpose and meaning. After all, if you only include in your life the activities and possessions you truly love, you’ll find that life is good to you.
As you strive to improve your quality of life, you’ll come to recognize that the key is being truly engaged in your own existence. When you make conscious efforts to include all these important elements, you’ll naturally discover the great life you desire and deserve!

Take care.
eliminate drama

7 Strategies to Eliminate Drama in Your Life

7 Strategies to Eliminate Drama in Your Life

eliminate drama

Most people like to keep drama at a minimum, but sometimes it can be challenging.

The drama may appear more frequently than you’d like during challenging or stressful times and can also occur more often when dealing with certain people.

Remember my article about Toxic People, Toxic Behavior?

You may have reached a certain point and realize that you can’t continue anymore like this. For once and for all, stop the drama and not allow it back into your life anymore. Once you realize this, it’s great because you’re aware of the theater, acknowledge it, and are ready to end it. I’ve listed some strategies to minimize the drama, as it is almost impossible to eliminate it.

What can you do, and which strategies can you follow to keep the drama at bay or to eliminate it? I suggest the following methods:

    1. Keep to yourself whenever possible. It’s almost always best to adopt a “mind your own business” attitude when dealing with other people. When you snoop around in someone’s business, you never know what can of worms you’re opening. If someone asks or invites you into their life, that’s one thing, but you should avoid the urge to pry.
    2. Avoid participating in gossip. Humans are social creatures, and they tend to talk about each other. Sometimes you might think your gossip is good news, so it’s okay, but you never know how someone else might spin what you’re saying.
      It’s best to avoid it whenever possible. Make efforts to stop gossip. You’ll no doubt be in situations where you’re not participating but hearing other people gossip. It’s challenging to go against the crowd and take a stand, but you must if you’re serious about eliminating
    3. If you have issues with someone, have a conversation directly with
      them. Then they’ll know how you feel without hearing someone else’s
      version of the story.
    4. You can choose to be silent; that way, you won’t be held accountable, but you can also politely say that the subject should be changed to something
    5. Be cautious when meeting new people. Of course, you want to be friendly and inviting when meeting people and making new friends. However, keep your guard up to some extent because you really never know when something you say might be seen as hurtful or offensive, even when you didn’t mean it that way. Before sharing personal opinions, ensure you know someone well enough toprevent misunderstandings.
    6. Analyze past dramatic situations. Think about the scenarios that led to drama for you in the past. Was it a simple misunderstanding? Is there a topic that always leads to drama and arguments? You can learn from past situations that transpired negatively, and reflection can help you avoid those similar situations in the future.
    7. Learn how to release your emotions healthily. Drama can lead you to feel some strong emotions. Even if you’re trying to eliminate the theater, you can’t avoid everything you think or feel, and it can lead to more upset outbursts since you’re just bottling up those strong emotions. Instead, learn positive ways to release your feelings.

If you’re starting to feel upset because things are getting heated, remove yourself from the situation. Grab some fresh air and return to the problem once you’ve found a cool head.

Exercising is a great way to release emotions and pent-up stress.

Daily relaxation is also essential. Do something that you enjoy each day just for you!

Remember that some people love drama and might be trying to stir some up for you. Refuse to participate in their game. You can choose what you want to allow into your life.

Take care,


I relieve stress through music

I relieve stress through the music.

Relieve stress through the music.​

I am fully capable of managing my stress. The tools necessary to increase peace in my life are within my reach. I use various methods to relieve my worries and improve tranquility, including listening to music.

My choice of music directly relates to how I feel. I listen to a variety of music to assist in transforming my mood. Soft music helps me relax when I feel overwhelmed, and upbeat music infuses me with joy.

Music has a powerful and positive effect on me. As the melody fills the air, it carries my stress away. I feel my constraints melting away with every note so I can rest in complete harmony.

When I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of the music, I shift my attention away from the world’s cares. Music transports me from the concrete world into a realm of total peace. I have compiled playlists with my favorite songs to play throughout the day.

I play music in my car to start my day off right. I bring music to the office to play in the background during the day. Music lifts my spirit and keeps me motivated. I use music to quiet my mind when my thoughts become too much to handle.

Today, I choose to turn to music as a soothing source of peace. I allow the beat of tranquility to flow through my body. My stress dissipates, and peace is restored when I fill the room with soothing music.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1.  What type of music makes me feel calm?
  2. What part of my day could use a boost of music?
  3. How can music help me relax?

Take care,


you feel, tired, exhausted

Do You Feel Overwhelmed, Tired, Exhausted, or Drained out?

Do You Feel Overwhelmed, Tired, Exhausted, or Drained out?

Do you lack energy almost every day of the week?

There are always so many things to do, and there is just not enough time or energy to do them all.

Do you often feel like this about your life, career, or business?

Do you recognize yourself as being stuck or tired, mentally and physically?

Maybe you even experience physical discomfort due to the challenges you’re having. There are so many signs that your body & mind gives you to slow down and tell you to take some time for yourself.

However, as you are a hard worker, you don’t stop. You continue and maybe even try to work harder by telling yourself: “Next week I’ll make some changes,” or “I can slow down after this project,” or “It’s almost weekend”.

You know and feel that a change is needed, but where do you start? If you’re willing to make a change, get clarity, improve your quality of life, and empower your strengths, then take an action step today to transform your life.


For more information about reducing your stress, contact us by email.

Visit our website to see the online programse-books, and articles or to schedule a call.

Take care,


relax out of control serenity coach lydia

Can You Relax When Life is Out of Control?

Stress is a constant companion, and most of us, through lots of practice, have become experts at elevating our stress levels. The ability to relax is an acquired skill too. Learn ways to handle stress in a manner that minimizes it. However, the more stressed you feel, the more challenging it can be to relax. 

Discover 11 powerful ways how to relax your body and mind when your stress levels are out of control:

  1. Stretch for a moment. Stand up and stretch your body. When you stretch, you release the stress and tension in your muscles. Start to shake one arm at a time, then your legs, and if you can, shake your whole body! It sounds crazy, but it works!
  2. Exercise. A 30 minutes exercise can do wonders! Think outside your box and avoid limiting yourself to your usual walk around the block. See if you can do squads, start to jump robe, or find that great Pilates routine. Exercise alone or with others. Whatever works for you!
  3. Listen to music. Music can be very soothing. When you feel anxious or overwhelmed, choose relaxing music instead of an upbeat song. 
  4. Meditate. Meditation for relaxation is a simple way to relieve your tension. Focus on your breath, and think of letting go of the built-upbuilt-up stress with each exhale. It might feel like a challenge, but with practice, meditation becomes easier. Anyone can learn how to meditate. Learn to focus on your thoughts and relieve your tension. Your thoughts stay focused on your breath. Whenever you get distracted, return to these thoughts.
  5. Reach out to your friends & family. Find a distraction to surround yourself with friends or family. Decide if you want to share your feelings or what makes you feel how you feel. You can also choose to put the topic to the side and put your challenge to the side to relax and have a great time. Being by yourself can also be a way to relax; some of us actually prefer that. Whatever you do, make sure you have fun.
  6. Laugh. Laughing is one of the best medicine. Search for funny youtube videos or watch your favorite stand-up comedian show. What also helps to relax is to start laughing out loud. Try it! 
  7. Feel gratitude. List all the things that you’re grateful for. Sometimes you need to be reminded of all that you’re grateful for, which could have slipped your (cluttered) mind.
  8. Take a power nap. A 15-20 power nap to reset your nervous system. Do you have more time on your hands? Sleep for 90′ as rest can be a great stress-buster. Find yourself a quiet place to relax; even a field of daisies will do:-)
  9. Happy thoughts. Think back to happy moments and relive that happy feeling that came with them. 
  10. Reduce or drop the caffeine altogether. Caffeine is a stress enhancer, and combined with stress? If you feel already stressed, do you need to be even more stimulated?
  11. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. You could also cover your ears and focus on what you see. You’ll just look sillier. Block off one of your senses and focus on your environment. This is an excellent way to be more present. Giving your attention to your surroundings will stop your mind from creating more stress.

Stress is a part of daily life; find ways to cope with it, become resilient, and make your life more enjoyable.

When would be the best time to address stress? From the very first minute. Reducing stress will be a bit more challenging when it is at a peak. Most stress-reduction techniques provide a small to moderate amount of relief. Use them sooner rather than later, and prevent a meltdown before it happens.

Take care,
